Our Services

Company Incorporation

If you are intending to incorporate a company to get your ideas implemented into business, we assists and supports you in meeting the necessary statutory requirements with Suruhanjaya Syarikat Malaysia (SSM) for approval to ensure a smooth initiation to your adventure in starting a business, expansion or diversification.

Company Secretarial

The company secretary, as an officer of the company, is liable, together with the company directors, for default fines and other penalties provided by the Companies Act 2016 and imposed by the SSM. We can provide this service for your company thereby ensuring compliance with these requirements.

Accounting Service

Our flexible accounting arrangements allow our clients to have flexible cost structure which enables them to reduce accounting overheads and related expenses. Also, clients can rely on our accounting services and solutions to release more of their time and resources to focus on their core business activities.

Accounting Services Starting from RM500

Make sure your financial health today.

Done inhouse

Utilizing CST & Co inhouse software

Less transaction

Option to do monthly, quarterly or annually

Accounting Outsource Starting from RM999

Save you tons of money. We will review your company performance for you.

Visits Your office

Utilizing CST & Co inhouse software

High volume transaction

On demand communication with experts

Weekly updating of accounts

Virtual CFO Starting from RM1099

Let us do the accounts and documentation for you.

Outsource your accounts virtually

Cloud based software

Accessible anywhere

Monthly financial review


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